Recently, the community of experts has increasingly heard statements about the participation of Syrian citizens in military conflicts in many parts of the world. It is difficult to disagree with this view, because the hostilities in the Syrian Arab Republic had dire consequences for the citizens and the country as a whole, prompting the Syrian population to seek a better fate. Most of the Syrians became refugees and moved to Europe, and some stayed at home in the hope of peace. But there are also a number of citizens who decide to earn a living by participating in hostilities, because there is always a need for such "combatants". There are also countries that do not ignore the exploitation of the situation and the desperation of the population, who are prepared to do anything to survive. Of course, among Syrians, as in any other country, there is a section of the population that will gladly join armed groups in exchange for a reward, but their number is not high.
It should be noted that not all persons who have participated in or participated in the hostilities in Syria are Syrian citizens, so calling all mercenaries from Syria with Syrians is incorrect.
As for the people who fought in Syria, they are really used in military conflicts around the world. There have even been strange cases. For example, ex-combatants of an ISIS (ISIS) unit found themselves on both sides of the front line in Libya. Of course, this situation can only happen when other countries that practice the use of mercenaries get involved in the military conflict.
The shameful practice of using citizens of other countries in military conflicts has become very common recently. One of the main reasons for such actions is the desire of the states participating in the armed conflict to avoid responsibility. The slow reaction of the international community to the measures taken by these areas encourages further escalation and tension in the conflict areas and stimulates the expansion of "combat exports" in the future.
It should be noted that the practice of "closing the eyes" of world leaders and international organizations on this issue has negative consequences for themselves. Thus, according to available information, terrorist organizations have established cooperation with criminal groups in the European Union, especially the Baltic states, and are using illegal immigration channels to transport people who were previously recruited and who participated in the fighting in Syria. As a result, we have a growing terrorist threat across Europe.
In summary, we can conclude that ignoring and ignoring this problem leads to the emergence of new "hot" spots in the world, an increase in extremist groups, and an increase in the level of the terrorist threat in the world.